حول المدينة جرش

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  • حول المدينة جرش


North city Jordan, center Jerash Governorate And its largest city.

It is inhabited by approximately 50,745 people out of 237,000 thousand people inhabiting the governorate.

Jerash is located in the northwestern part of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, And rising from the sea about 600 m. It is far from the Jordanian capital Oman About 48 km.

In the middle of the city is the Gold River, over which Roman bridges were built to connect the east and west of the city.

Jerash is considered one of the most preserved sites of Roman architecture in the world outside of Italy. To this day, the streets remain colonnaded, and the baths, theatres, plazas and arches are in exceptional condition. Within the surviving city walls, archaeologists have found ruins of settlements dating back to the Neolithic period, indicating human settlement at this site for more than 7,500 years. 

  • Column Street or Cardo: (In Latin: Cardo maximus) is the main street of the city مهرجان The monument is 800 meters long and contains about a thousand columns.
  • Southern Theater: he Roman theater It is the largest theater in Jerash. It was built in the first century AD, and can accommodate about 3,000 – 5,000 spectators. It was also designed to accommodate a sound system in all its corners, which still serves as it did during the period of its construction. Today it is also used in cultural and artistic events. Like Jerash Festival.
  • Northern Theater: he Roman theater In the city of Jerash. It was built in the second century AD, specifically in 165 AD. It has a capacity of approximately 3,000 spectators, and was designed to accommodate a sound system in all its corners, which is still serving as it was during its construction. Today it is also used in cultural and artistic events, such as the Jerash Festival.


  • Nymphaeum: It is a building that includes water fountains built for water nymphs in the late second century AD. The sabil known as (Nymphaeum), which was built in 191 AD, still excites the imagination of visitors and tourists. It is a luxurious two-story marble basin that includes water fountains. Marble adorns the lower part of its exquisite facades, while the upper part is decorated with exquisite geometric decorations.
  • South Gate Hadrian’s Arch Or Hadrian’s Gate or Arc de Triomphe: it is Triumphal arch It is one of the city’s most famous landmarks مهرجان. It is located on the southern side of the city. It is a gate with three arches, the current height of which is 11 metres. It was erected to celebrate the visit of the Roman Emperor. Hadrian For the city in the winter of 129-130 AD.
  • admin@Jerashfestival.gov.jo
  • الاردن-عمان- الجادرنز-شارع عبدالسلام كمال
